Online Art Tutoring Sessions

If you or your child are eager to enhance your art skills, seek guidance for art class assignments, or pursue personal art projects, I'm here to be your dedicated online art tutor! My expertise lies in instructing digital cartoon character design, but I'm also well-versed in providing tutoring for various art styles, art mediums, and essential art fundamentals.

Above are examples of my versatile work. Throughout my artistic journey, I have embraced a wide range of mediums and styles, constantly pushing the boundaries of my creativity.

As an experienced art teacher at a reputable studio, I bring years of knowledge and a passion for nurturing artistic talent to our sessions. I have a proven track record of guiding students toward achieving their artistic aspirations. If you'd like to see examples of my students' works, feel free to request them, and I'll be happy to provide them upon request!

Let’s Get Started!

To initiate our online sessions, we'll arrange a 30-minute consultation via Zoom, a widely used free online video chat platform. Before the consultation, I will email you an “art skill assessment” document which we will go over during our initial consultation along with delving into your specific goals, allowing me to tailor the upcoming session(s)/lessons to your individual needs.

Following the completion of our insightful 30-minute consultation, you can proceed to schedule a 1-hour tutoring session, where the real artistic journey begins!

Exciting news awaits! After our initial consultation, you'll receive an exclusive discount code entitling you to a $25 reduction on your very first online session. There's nothing quite like a $25 discount to jumpstart our engaging online art lessons together! 😉

To kickstart or continue your ongoing sessions, kindly fill out the form below.

I'm eagerly anticipating your response!

** To join our online tutoring sessions, you need a good internet connection and a computer or tablet with a camera and microphone. Also, remember that taxes are not included in the prices quoted **