
Hello, I'm Kristen, and I've been immersed in the world of illustration for many years.

Me in front of one our many vehicles, a Suzuki Cappuccino!

I call sunny Southern California home, where I live with my amazing boyfriend and our spirited little dog, Vash. When I'm not busy creating, you'll often find me indulging in hobbies like motorcycle riding, car track driving, video games, and, of course, doodling!

child artist coloring

Me showing my little cousin how to color perfectly in the lines of my coloring book.

My artistic journey has been a rollercoaster ride, but one thing has remained constant—my unwavering love for art. This love and dedication have led me to become an art teacher at a local studio, a role that I wholeheartedly cherish. Guiding young minds through the world of art and art history across various mediums is a calling I've embraced wholeheartedly.

I firmly believe that anyone can learn the art if they invest work, love, and care into it. It's a lifelong journey rather than a quick skill to acquire, and I'm here to inspire and nurture that journey.